Thursday, September 5, 2019

You only need one reason to travel to Vietnam with Railway Adventures

One of the best reasons to go anywhere. What a country! What an incredible history. What resilience and resourcefulness. The people, the food, the scenery, the bustling cities, the bars and restaurants, the markets – all of it made for an incredible two weeks exploring a country I’d had on my list for a while but hadn’t managed to get to. It has only whetted my appetite for more. I’m already planning my next visit.

Reason #5 – The Itinerary got me off the beaten track
Railway Adventures is well known for it’s quirky itineraries. Not content with just taking people to big cities for a bit of box-ticking, shopping and lounging around pools, Scott is totally committed to giving people as broad and as authentic a travel experience as possible. After all, it may be the only opportunity you get to visit a country and you want to see as much as you can while you’re there. Each tour designed by Scott and his team get you off the beaten track and out into the country as well as spending time in major cities. And of course the whole train theme means you will get to ride some of the most fascinating heritage railways in the world, more often than not, as VIPs.
Read more Here: 

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