Wednesday, October 30, 2019

6 Reasons To Travel Britain By Train

Britain is the perfect destination for all types of travellers. Whether you are travelling with your family or looking to go on a solo trip full of adventure, Britain is the right choice. 

Its picturesque views, world-famous museums, and rich culture will surely give you the travel bug.
But, if you want to top it all off, travel Britain via rail and ensure that you don't miss out on a single thing.

If you are second-guessing your decision to plan a holiday in Britain, then we will tell you some of the reasons why the UK is a must!

1. Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
You can’t say your trip to Britain is complete until you have seen the famous Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Located in the heart of London, this is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Britain. You will find wax sculptures of well-known actors, sports legends, political leaders and other public figures.

2. The London Eye
The best time to see the London Eye is during the Christmas and New Year period. The Ferris Wheel looks absolutely amazing in the festive season. Did you know that the giant wheel is the tallest one in Europe? Yes, and if you sit in one of its capsules, you will be able to see the entire city.

3. Nightlife
Britain is known for having an exciting nightlife. There are so many pubs and clubs in Britain that you will find it hard to pick one. The unique mixture of live music, disco nights and themed parties will help you forget everything and enjoy your time. 

4. Stonehenge
Stonehenge is a sight to behold for history lovers. These standing stones hold quite historic significance as they have been around since 2,500 BC. You will have a lovely time clicking pictures with this popular monument in Britain. It is even listed as the UNESCO World Heritage site so make sure you go visit it on your trip.

5. Gardens
Holland isn’t the only European city renowned for its tulips. Every town and city in England have breath-taking gardens full of seasonal flowers perfect for your next Instagram upload. Take a stroll and be rejuvenated by the serenity Britain has to offer. It is also perfect for budding photographers looking for their muse.

6. Origin of the Beatles
Liverpool is the birthplace of the popular rock band The Beatles. There are museums that will give you every single detail about these legends, and we don’t just mean John Lennon. It is a dream come true for fans wanting to visit the hometown of these immensely talented artists.
With Railway Adventures you can experience all this in an expertly packaged tour perfect for both seniors and novice travellers alike. Our grand tour through the heart of England is an extensive 18 day trip where you are immersed in the culture and heritage of our commonwealth brothers. If the royals aren’t enough to make you want to go to England than Railway Adventures should be. If you’re curious to find out more about this professionally guided tour than visit our website:

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