Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Zealand By Train: Everything Our Neighbour Has To Offer

Have you always wanted to visit New Zealand? Then don't just dream about going there, do something about it. New Zealand is a pandora's box to incredible attractions, diverse scenery, unique wildlife, plenty of outdoor adventures and intriguing culture.

Most importantly New Zealand is the perfect destination for Lord of the Rings’ fans as they get to see where it all happened. New Zealand is our neighbour and quite a beautiful one at that! Let us tell you all the interesting things New Zealand has to offer:

If you are more of an adventure-loving traveller than New Zealand is the right holiday spot for you. It has not one but countless high adrenaline activities - From bungy jumping in Queenstown, canyoning in Waitomo to white water rafting, skydiving, kayaking, and jet boating. Whether you want to overcome your fears or complete your bucket list, these activities guarantee ultimate fun!

Are you an animal lover? New Zealand has an incredible variety of wildlife and not just sheep! There are many zoos and wildlife sanctuaries that you can explore on your holiday. Not to mention you will adore the sight and company of cute dolphins. 

New Zealand has the best landscapes hands down! Its scenic beauty is nothing like you have ever seen before. The majestic mountains, glistening glaciers, awe-inspiring coastlines, and lush green forests are a sight to behold. If you don't believe us, then watch the famous movie 'The Hobbit' and see it for yourself – keep in mind this doesn’t do it justice!

You can go on guided tours on challenging terrains and view awe-inspiring backdrops. New Zealand is most loved by hikers as they get to do what they enjoy in a place that looks no less than paradise on earth.

Railway Adventures knows the impact a holiday can have on your life. So, we design the best rail holiday packages for seniors at reasonable prices. You won't find anyone who gives you the holiday experience like we do! Our tours are nothing short of excellence so plan your next holiday with us. Railway Adventures makes your journey just as exciting as the destination. Check out some of the bestholidays for seniors on our website: 

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